
Isabel Marant SS 2012

When I took a closer look at the Isabel Marant Spring Summer 2012 collection a couple of weeks ago, I became slightly infatuated with the sharp colours, rough details and that oh-so fabulous knitted jumper, which by the way, is as heavy as it looks.

Isabel Marant Resort 2012 Sneakers


Isabel Marant Spring 2012

Photo: Yannis Vlamos/GoRunway.com

“It’s very optimistic. A suitcase packed by a girl who travels all over the world,” said Isabel Marant, gesturing toward Arizona Muse, who was wearing a giant sweater (well, a sweaterdress) knitted in multicolor yarn stripes. “And she’s a bit crafty. She tie-dyes and patchworks, and cuts up her sweatshirts to knit with!” Marant paused to look at the models lining up (in the 90 degree heat) to take the runway. Then she grinned. “It’s a sunny-day collection—for days like today!”

Looking at the leggy girls—and they are nowhere leggier than at Isabel’s—the audience, melting in the unseasonable European heat, could only fantasize about being young and free enough to run off immediately with their own suitcase packed with the designer’s oversize tie-dyed utility jackets, football T-shirts, a few pairs of skinny jeans, and a couple of track pants, rolled up in a ball.

It would be traveling light because her body-con dresses are almost as tight and small as bathing suits are minute. Ditto for evening: skimpy, silver lamé draped things or some folkloric tapestry lace pieces to throw on over whatever.

In a way, Isabel Marant is one of fashion’s most authentic voices in casual dressing—the French equivalent of, say, Alexander Wang in New York. But she has her own feminine glamour going on.

It’s always about a high heel (this time a sandal with silver chains at the ankle, guaranteed to be a fetish object next season) and she’s true, always, to a vaguely hippie, but sexy, way of doing things. She has her staples: the jeans, which put her in the forefront of this season’s denim revival, and the abbreviated quilted jackets she always does, now collaged from tie-dye denim and mirror embroidery.

Every item is believable, accessible ready-to-wear that girls all over the world crave to get their hands on. Even though the economy might be heading in an uncertain direction, Isabel Marant has every right to be in an optimistic mood. This one will sell.

Isabel Marant(イザベル マラン)はデザイナーのIsabel Marantが自身の名前を冠して、1993年にスタートさせたフランスのファッションブランド。

デザイナーのIsabel Marantはミッシェル・クランのもとで経験を積み、その後、マーク・アルコーリ(Marc Ascoli)のアシスタントとして、クロエ、ヨウジ・ヤマモトなどのアートディレクション活動に関わった経歴を持っています。





Chino pants

Rick owen, £660


ゴヤール [GOYARD / フランス]
1835 年フランソワ・ゴヤールがパリで創業した老舗のブランド。
ゴヤールの象徴である樹 木を意味するヘリンボーン柄のロゴマークは熟練した職人がハンドペイントで仕上げている。 

「トワル・ゴヤール」と呼ばれるコットンとリネンのキャンバス 地に、ステンシル加工で独特のヘリンボーン柄を付け、さらに天然アラビアゴムで加工した独特の素材は軽く、耐久性・防水機能に優れていて、機能性、デザイ ン性共に優れたバックは世界中で愛されている。


I konw...do you?

Once upon a time, the Chanel King was solely devoted to Louis Vuitton for his travel needs. Apparently, Mr. Lagerfeld has switched allegiances to commission a collection of Goyard pieces sporting the Black Chevron. Do you think he went a tad bit overboard?


ゴヤールの象徴である樹 木を意味するヘリンボーン柄のロゴマークは熟練した職人がハンドペイントで仕上げている。 



Melissa Joy Manning

Melissa Joy Manning(メリッサ・ジョイ・マニング)サンフランシスコのベイエリア、オークランドで活動中。







Melissa Jo Manning chose Berkeley for her first retail outlet. The jewelry store is at 1827 5th Street.

Melissa Joy Manning and her showroom
Melissa Joy Manning’s sunlit showroom in New York's Soho neighborhood has the surprising feeling of a back room at the Museum of Natural History. Among the cowhides covering the creaky wooden floors and the sleek furniture and grand chandelier are glass cabinets where the designer's curated collection of nature specimens—like river rocks, bones, and fossils—shares space with her one-of-a kind heirloom quality jewelry. Manning tells us, “The balance of elements intrigues me—perfectly created modern items contrasted with natural organic textures and surfaces."

Indeed, Manning's modern jewelry pieces are infused with natural elements—hand-hammered metal; rough-hewn or unfinished stones; and fossils, teeth and even claws. Sustainability is a major part of her practice, whether that means making every effort to buy only conflict-free diamonds, recycling scrap metal or incorporating as many elements as possible from the materials she uses. "[Ancient] non-Western cultures strongly believed in using every part of an animal. In this practice, tribes were assured that they did not waste or dishonor the spirit of the animal; it was the ultimate honor to the chain of life," she says. "It was thought that teeth and claws carry the spirit of the animal within them, and when used in tribal dress, they would transfer this spiritual power to the wearer. When I find a piece that is over 150 years old, I am intrigued by its beauty, spirituality and history. I am honored to create something so powerful; a piece that is both respectful of our histories and mindful of its spiritual value; something that I believe is infinitely more precious than a diamond."

Manning, who is also known for frequently aligning with a variety of charities, also shared that she is opening a retail boutique this fall. “I’m a total hippie!” she laughs. “I envision it as a modern terrarium!”

Letter Stud Earrings





“Fashion is the best form of self-expression. We like to design pieces that together form the coolest wardrobe, but is ultimately wearable”.

Acne unites innovative jean styles with a versatile wardrobe for men and women; ranging from basic cotton T-shirts to tailored jackets with emphasis on quality, material, design, comfort and durability.

Through simple functional designs, Acne provides the platform for authentic individuality. Since its launch in 1996, Acne has won several awards and has store locations and projects across nine different countries. Recognised internationally as a ‘creative collective’, Acne’s products certainly offer up a diversity of styles.

2012 SS collection


“For the celebration of Acne Paper’s 5th issue — the elegant issue — I constructed an invite reflecting the dress code of the event.”
Daniel Carlsten designed and created this invitation for fashion acne paper celebration party.

Die-cut by machine and folded by hand. Dots appearing as buttons are printed with a UV-varnish dyed in grey. Typography printed in copper coloured ink.




98年、ジョニー・ヨハンソン(Jonny Johansson)がクリエイティブディレクターとなり、アクネジーンズとしてのコレクションをスタート。以後、レディース、メンズ共に、デニムを中心として、アパレル製品全般、シューズ、下着などのコレクションを発表している。



最初はスカンジナビア半島を中心に展開していたが、現在は、ニューヨーク、パリなどにもショップを構え、日本でもセレクトショップなどで販売されている。また、2005年以降は、年に2回、アクネペーパー(Acne Paper)というオリジナルの雑誌を出版している。

2008年、アルベール エルバスがデザインするランバンとアクネジーンズとのコラボレーションで、デニムのコレクションを発表。また同年、アパレル関連のブランド名を、もともと事業名であったアクネ(Acne)に変更。